Jade Ell is a versatile musician, artist and producer of hew own kind. As a member of different bands - she also takes on various shapes as she delivers her presence on stage.
"Jade’s sound, the songs, and the production are all so fresh in the combination of so many different elements within each song,"
He says. "There is not one hook in any of the songs the entire songs themselves are hooks." - Billboard
Jade Ell shows a depth in her music from her years of study in North America and Europe. I love Jade’s voice, she has a strong control of her music and carries a song with her soft, sultry voice. There are artists who can write and arrange a score, but can not master the balance that I heard from Jade as she shows off her vocals, lyrics and an understanding of blending instruments to accent her music” By Edward F. Nesta
...a great deal of grand drama channeled through the charismatic singer Jade Ell /MeadowMusic
Ellen is the first project, which she has produced all on her own.
The album is called “Mourning This Morning” and is very much part of a grieving process, as well as it’s truly reflecting her geunine solo performances around the world. The fourteen songs each represent a period of mourning and understanding the past - bringing it all into the light and accepting the passing of time...
For physical albums order HERE
Struggles is the first single from Jade's self-made the EP, called "The Battle Is An Art" - which is also a live art performance together with artist CAT, Catharina Lindqvist. See slideshow
Ell & Hart is comprised of two women who sound like they’ve been singing together since birth. However, Australia’s Sheona Urquhart and Sweden’s Jade Ell have been living 15 589 kms apart until three years ago when they met. Since that moment, they’ve been inseparable.
Based in Stockholm, the music of Ell & Hart features lush vocal harmonies against a backdrop of indie keys, a sprinkling of alto saxophone and interesting contemporary beats. The ingredients of which result in a new and fresh approach to modern indie-pop music. Jade and Sheona take particular pride in their live performances, ensuring audiences are thoroughly entertained by their witty personalities, as well as their luscious music.
A creative combination of pop, rock and electronica with elements of symphonic mixes by Jade Ell and Pelle Händén. It's dark, light, fantasy, heaven and hell. Their debut album is entitled "Inside Warrior". Xanima has not only innovative music but also keenly individual and inspired songs.
The lyrics tell stories of mysteries in modern times, such as the mind of a serial killer, the phenomenon of poltergeist, Jonestown, the power of the spirit and mind and the life after death. By uniting a voice which is ranging from an airy sound torocky - sometimes almost operatic - combined with electronic synthesizers, a mean electric guitar with heavy riffs and ethnic sounds.
A conceptual journey in space and time >>
The sound is a blend of three different personalities coming together - and this power trio have received such comments as “a female happier version of Coldplay”. The piano-driven moody songs, with an upbeat drum approach along with playful unexpected bass lines - makes for a unique and most creative sound indeed. A strong stage presence and nerve captures every listener, wanting to hear the playfulness and details in all of the arrangements.
Spotify >>
Tiny Tornado has a mellow, cinematic folk pop style - with songs about daily wonders and familiar struggles. As the name implies - what seem to be tiny matters can eventually have a bigger impact and profound consequence in our Lives.
The collaboration between the two songwriters (Mats Hedström and Jade Ell) started in a studio, 10 years ago. Together they have a history of writing songs for other artist leading to a couple of Billboard #1's worldwide.
In the vein of Fleetwood Mac, Simon & Garfunkel and groups like "The Weepies" - it's both heartfeltand very genuine.
The album is only available as a physical album!
Watch the video for 'Echoes & Rhymes' >>
Watch the video for 'Paperplane' >>